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Transnational learning and encounter

For international groups, the Buchenwald Memorial offers learning programmes in various languages. In this context, we pay special attention to the visitors' specific questions and expectations as well as their individual and collective historical-cultural traditions.

The organization of transnational programmes with overnight accommodations in the Young People's Centre should be carried out well—at least one year—in advance.

We offer international programmes for young people, adults, and educators at the memorial as one- or multi-day seminars.

A look at the twentieth century as a "century of extremes" reveals the consequences of National Socialism for Europe and the world. This approach enables an in-depth exploration of experiences that still shape society today—experiences of:

  • occupation, exploitation, and annihilation
  • resistance to despotism, dictatorship, and threats to democracy
  • racism, anti-Semitism, and other forms of group-related misanthropy; cooperation and collaboration with the National Socialists.

We will be very glad to work with you to design a programme tailored to your group in terms of both content and method. Please contact us!

International programmes are available in the following languages: English, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, and Hungarian.

Programmes can also be carried out in other languages with the accompaniment of foreign-language interpreters.

International study and work camps (summer camps)

In the summer months we join with our cooperation partners to offer two-week international study and work camps. In addition to transnational dialogue and the in-depth exploration of the history of the site, the camp programmes focus on work to preserve the memorial grounds.

Dates in 2024:

21 July to 3 August: Action Reconciliation Service for Peace

18 to 31 August: Vereinigung Junger Freiwilliger

Please see our partners’ websites for information on registering:

German-Ukrainian Study and Work Camp 4 – 14 August 2024

For anyone interested, over the age of 18

At the centre of the international encounter are the participants from Germany and Ukraine, who will meet and spend time together. The history of Buchenwald under National Socialism will be a focal point of the camp through tours, workshops, and individual research. Other topics, including current ones, will also be based on the interests of the participants. There will also be practical work. Along the former railway line of the camp, we will erect and work on memorial stones in memory of people who were deported from Buchenwald to Auschwitz and murdered by the National Socialists.

For the 10-day camp, we are looking for participants, aged 18 and over, with an interest in history and current developments in Ukraine, Germany, and Europe. Openness, tolerance, and language skills in English and German (B2) are required for the project.

Please send applications, along with a short motivation letter, in one of the above-mentioned languages to: Jan Malecha or Meike Bihr

The application deadline is 16 June, 2024. Further information can be found in the programme advertisement attached. We look forward to receiving your application!

Looking for organizational experience and funding opportunities?

So far, bi-, tri- and multilateral programs have taken place at the Buchenwald Memorial with the following partners:

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